
  • High-fiber foods: Researchers highlight nutritional quality of climate-resilient sorghum bran

    To create a market for #Sorghum, it is necessary to raise awareness among food companies and give them the tools to process it properly. I have been working on this grain for almost 10 years and have studied all possible reactions under stressed and unstressed conditions during the production (pasta, bakery, starch, proteins).


  • Sorghum United, a no profit organization

    Sorghum United is an international team of equal peers dedicated to the advancement of the global sorghum/sorgho/sorgo/jowar/milo/mashilla etc. industry. The primary goal of Sorghum United is to collaborate in creating awareness for our grain through uniform, but localizable advertising. We believe that in doing so, we will elevate sorghum in the general consumer and producer…
